Agency Work

Lego Ventures

Playful and engaging site for investment arm of the Lego brand. This was a lot of fun to build with plenty of room for creative touches and embellishments to the bold, colourful design.

WordPress Powered Full Screen Fun

The site uses WordPress at the back end by the client's request, at the front end I used Vue and SCSS. I developed a type and layout system in CSS to allow the site to scale to very large sizes without losing legibility. This is contrary to many sites which are limited to conservative viewport widths.

I love being able to view the site to its full potential on my big display, filling my screen with the beautiful design, typography and colours.

Easter egg?

I enjoyed adding some playful touches to the decorative elements on the site, even integrating a mini-game on the front page of the site. Have you ever played the game where you try to burst as many plastic wrap bubbles as you can in a set time? See if you can press each of the orange circles before they pop back up - you'll uncover a little easter egg if you can do it!

Legoventures com
Legoventures com investment areas
Legoventures com about 1

This site was created on a freelance basis for Series Eight

Rootsy’s work has contributed to continuous increases in traffic as well as faster load times and positive feedback on the design. Their workflow is extremely effective and they deliver exactly as requested. The team often exceeds expectations and at the very least meets them.

Stephen McGlinchey
Editor-in-Chief at E-International Relations
View Case Study

Past Clients

2014 Cardiff University
2010 Chill Or Thrill
2011 WorldPay
2011 Eco Bohemia
2008 Super Furry Animals
2013 Eco Finland
2008 EMI
2013 Voices From Care
2014 Minna Hepburn
2009 Bait
2015 Silk Street Jazz
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