Case Study


I designed and developed this headless Nuxt site for my own music label, Serein. There is a lot going on beneath the clean, minimal design, let's dive in...

The brief

Serein is my own record label that started out as a small, internet only endeavour in 2015. In 2019 I started producing CDs and soon after that, vinyl. I've released material by bands and artists from all over the world with a strong focus on ambient music. I had long wanted a site that allowed old fans as well as newcomers to really get a feel for the label without having to go elsewhere to listen, for example to Spotify or Bandcamp.

I wanted people be able to listen to the music in full whilst also having the opportunity to read about the ideas and concepts behind the work and learn about the artists themselves.

Serein co uk i Phone SE 1
Serein co uk i Phone SE

Progressive Web App

What I have built is in essence a web app that is also installable on mobile devices as a Chrome PWA (Progressive Web App). In other words, if you browse to the site on your mobile device, you will be prompted to install it. To all intents and purposes the site then behaves like a native app on your phone. Whether users choose to do this or not, the entire Serein catalogue is available to stream in full via CloudFront's edge network, meaning super quick load times and buffer free streaming.

Craft Powered

The CMS behind all this is Craft working in headless mode. That means I get to keep all the benefits of working with Craft for content plus the advantages a static build offers in terms of speed. Craft is perfect for this kind of setup and has had full GraphQL support in core for a while now.

Serein co uk

Using the Edge

The site is deployed to Netlify which again comes with edge networking for super fast speeds. This coupled with Nuxt's code splitting and small bundles leads to really quick load times and great scores with tools like Page Speed Insights and GTMetrix.

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Press play

Give Serein a visit and hit play on something - there's lots to discover!

Serein co uk 2

Rootsy’s work has contributed to continuous increases in traffic as well as faster load times and positive feedback on the design. Their workflow is extremely effective and they deliver exactly as requested. The team often exceeds expectations and at the very least meets them.

Stephen McGlinchey
Editor-in-Chief at E-International Relations
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Past Clients

2014 Cardiff University
2010 Chill Or Thrill
2011 WorldPay
2011 Eco Bohemia
2008 Super Furry Animals
2013 Eco Finland
2008 EMI
2013 Voices From Care
2014 Minna Hepburn
2009 Bait
2015 Silk Street Jazz
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