Agency Work


Slick responsive website made for fintech company BondAval. Powered by Craft CMS and developed with attention to performance and speed.

Perfectly Quick

Produced on a freelance basis for UK agency Subism, this was produced with a quick turnaround based on Figma files provided to me. Pixel perfect and with many of my own components developed to minimise reliance on third party dependencies.

Www bondaval com learn
Www bondaval com learn 2

High Performing

The stack for this build was Craft CMS, Tailwind and Alpine JS. Build times (with Laravel Mix) are quick and bundles small. The site scores very respectably with mobile metric tests such as Google's Page Speed Insights. Are you looking for a Craft CMS developer?

Bondaval com

Rootsy’s work has contributed to continuous increases in traffic as well as faster load times and positive feedback on the design. Their workflow is extremely effective and they deliver exactly as requested. The team often exceeds expectations and at the very least meets them.

Stephen McGlinchey
Editor-in-Chief at E-International Relations
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Past Clients

2014 Cardiff University
2010 Chill Or Thrill
2011 WorldPay
2011 Eco Bohemia
2008 Super Furry Animals
2013 Eco Finland
2008 EMI
2013 Voices From Care
2014 Minna Hepburn
2009 Bait
2015 Silk Street Jazz
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Use the form below to tell me all about your exciting new project, or email directly - I'll get back to you as soon as I can!