Case Study

Dream Quickly

Dream Quickly is the advertising agency of Simeon Rose and Anne Hopkins. I made a fun, colourful web app to showcase their innovative brand thinking and show off their amazing work.

Dream Quickly: Dream Client

Dream Quickly work on incredible projects for brands recognised throughout the world and a lot of their work has a sense of fun and humour about it, two key points that often came up while talking through design ideas.

Go Big Or Go Home

I used the Dream Quickly logo and identity as a guide in coming up with a big, bold and blocky look featuring an oversize, ever-changing logo and bright, contrasting colours. Text is kept to a minimum with the focus on their large portfolio of visual work – images, videos and GIFs.

Dream Quickly Portfolio Example 1

We love the website. It presents us with a new, more professional light. There are a lot of little touches, with a sense of playfulness and creativity all while remaining subtle.

Simeon Rose, Creative Director at Dream Quickly
Read full review on Clutch
Dream Quickly Portfolio Example 2

Don't Sleep (But Do Dream)

Dream Quickly have worked with the likes of Faith In Nature, Jagermeister and Tiger Beer, give them a visit!

Rootsy’s work has contributed to continuous increases in traffic as well as faster load times and positive feedback on the design. Their workflow is extremely effective and they deliver exactly as requested. The team often exceeds expectations and at the very least meets them.

Stephen McGlinchey
Editor-in-Chief at E-International Relations
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Past Clients

2014 Cardiff University
2010 Chill Or Thrill
2011 WorldPay
2011 Eco Bohemia
2008 Super Furry Animals
2013 Eco Finland
2008 EMI
2013 Voices From Care
2014 Minna Hepburn
2009 Bait
2015 Silk Street Jazz
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